
Guadalajara named World Book Capital 2022 by UNESCO

Guadalajara is the twenty-second city to obtain this title since 2001, following Tbilisi (2021) and Kuala Lumpur (2020).

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he proposed program for Guadalajara, which since 1987 has hosted the International Book Fair, focuses on three strategic axes: restoring public spaces through reading activities in parks and other accessible places; social connection and cohesion, especially through reading and writing workshops for children; and strengthening the neighborhood’s identity using intergenerational connections, storytelling and street poetry.

The city will make use of cultural assets such as libraries, reading rooms, bookstores, independent publishers, as well as its world-famous international book fair, to improve violence prevention policies.

These resources will be used to promote human rights, gender equality and a culture of peace among the public and to take advantage of the great potential of books and literature as instruments of intervention and social transformation.

Activities will include literary events in collaboration with Latin American writers, an artistic project on the Tower of Babel, initiatives that link theater and music to literature, and the use of local radio to recite poetry.

The year of the celebrations will begin on April 23, 2022, on World Book and Copyright Day.

Cities designated as UNESCO World Book Capital commit to promoting books and reading and to organizing activities throughout the year.

The cities that preceded them in possession of the title were: Madrid (2001), Alexandria (2002), New Delhi (2003), Antwerp (2004), Montreal (2005), Turin (2006), Bogotá (2007), Amsterdam (2008) ), Beirut (2009), Ljubljana (2010), Buenos Aires (2011), Yerevan (2012), Bangkok (2013), Porto Harcourt (2014), Incheon (2015), Wrocław, (2016), Conakry (2017), Athens (2018) and Xarja (2019).

The candidacy of the city of Guadalajara was accepted by an Advisory Committee, composed of representatives from the International Association of Publishers (IPA), the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), the International Forum of Authors (IFA) and UNESCO.

The Guadalajara International Book Fair (FIL Guadalajara) is the second largest in the world, after the Frankfurt fair.

In 2019, it mobilized more than 828,000 visitors, 800 authors, 20,000 book professionals and 2,400 editorial chancels from 48 countries, according to figures advanced by the organization.

FIL Guadalajara was distinguished this year with the Princess of Asturias Communication and Humanities Award.

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