
Iminente returns to Lisbon between June and September

Iminente, which brings together music and visual arts and has Vhils as one of its founders, took place for the first time in Oeiras, in 2016, a city to which he returned the following year.

After two editions in Oeiras, in 2018 the Iminente moved to Lisbon, to the Panoramic of Monsanto, where it was held again in 2019.

Last year, the covid-19 pandemic turned it into the Oficina Iminente, an artistic residency that took place for ten days in September, also at Monsanto’s Panoramic, and with the public taking part in the creative process.

This year, for workshops with communities, the organization of Iminente invited 16 authors from various fields, including plastic arts, music, architecture, design, performance, and cinema.

Among the guest authors are Tristany, in music, Pedro Pinho and Luísa Homem, in cinema, Herberto Smith, Bruno Mantraste and Confere, in the visual arts, and El Warcha – Social and Community Atelier, Furo – Atelier Arquitetura, collective E-DA/ Essays & Diálogos Associação, and Coletivo Warehouse, in the field of architecture.

The Festival Iminente is scheduled for the 23rd, 24th, 25th, and 26th of September, in a place yet to be announced, and will continue to be anything but conventional.

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