Inês Castel-Branco distinguished in Spain with Akiara Books
The Book Chamber of Catalonia decided to award Inês Castel-Branco the Memorial Fernando Lara, a distinction created more than twenty years ago, in honor of former editor Fernando Lara, and aimed at recognizing a young entrepreneur or a new business initiative in the sector book.
Akiara Books is based in Barcelona, but was created by a Portuguese woman, Inês Castel-Branco, who has lived in Spain for almost two decades, and is presented as a continuation of the publishing house Pequena Fragmenta, which she founded in 2015.
The publisher publishes only books of its own production, in Portuguese, Spanish and Catalan, created to stimulate the art of reading, thinking, arguing, contemplating and getting to know oneself.
Akiara Books illustrated books are already translated and published in the United States, France, Germany, Switzerland, Russia, Brazil, South Korea and China, among other countries.
Among the names already published by Akiara Books, made mainly by Spanish authors, are illustrators Rachel Caiano and Yara Kono, both born in Brazil, but living in Portugal for many years and with a lot of work published in the Portuguese market.
From the publisher’s catalog, we highlight the ‘Akipoeta’ collections, dedicated to the poetry and beauty of the details of the book object, and the ‘Akiparla’, which retrieves inspiring speeches from well-known personalities and figures.
Inês Castel-Branco, editor, author and illustrator, was born in 1977, in Lisbon, lived her childhood and adolescence in Castelo Branco, studied architecture, in Porto, and went to Barcelona through the Erasmus program.
It was in Barcelona that she did her doctorate, got married, had children and founded a small publisher – Fragmenta-, whose strand for the youngest, the Little Fragmenta, later derived from Akiara Books.
According to the Publishers’ Guild of Catalonia, which manages the Book Chamber of Catalonia, Inês Castel-Branco will receive the prize on the 21st, in Barcelona, in an initiative called ‘Edition Night’, with the delivery of other prizes for the book sector.