Global funding of 10,000 euros will be distributed among four applications
The Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (IPS) will have four new pedagogical innovation projects on the ground during this school year, financed under the IPS & Santander-InovPed competition, with the support of Banco Santander.
Aimed at all IPS teachers, individually or in teams, the initiative aims to support the development of pedagogical innovation projects that enrich the teaching-learning process, promote success and combat academic abandonment.
The submitted proposals were evaluated by a jury composed of three professors external to the IPS (University Nova de Lisboa and Polytechnic from Porto and Leiria), which decided to distribute the global amount of 10 thousand euros for four projects in the areas of Business Sciences, Health and Education, three of them with an international dimension.
According to Ângela Lemos, vice president for Pedagogical Innovation, the projects presented in the competition “fulfilled the purpose of their creation as they focus on the development of new formats and new teaching methodologies, relying, for example, on co-creation and in the inclusion of digital technologies at the service of higher education, allowing students to develop transversal skills that are so necessary for their future professional performance”.
Bringing together professors from the School of Business Sciences (ESCE/IPS) and the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina, Brazil, the project COTADAS, acronym for CO-creation To Analyzes and Development of Strategic Scenarios, intends to contribute to the training and preparation of future managers to the real challenges and current problems of companies, through the creation of multidisciplinary, international and multicultural teams to assess scenarios and co-create innovative and sustainable value propositions.
In the same field of knowledge, the CiEL project – Cocreation in Experiential Learning (CiEL) is also committed to multidisciplinarity and multiculturalism, proposing to find solutions in co-creation (the work teams will consist of students and representatives of the business fabric) for the phenomenon of shared electric mobility. This project also places ESCE/IPS in close collaboration with a Brazilian higher education institution, in this case, the Federal University of Santa Maria.
With regard to health, the S4Health – Simulation for Health project was approved for funding, which aims to optimize simulation as an active teaching-learning methodology in the field of Nursing and associate a set of pedagogical strategies with it, using tablets and other technological resources, which contribute to the development of clinical and digital skills of students and to environmental preservation. The proposal will be implemented by professors from the School of Health (ESS/IPS) and from the Oulu University of Applied Sciences (OAMK), in Finland.
Finally, the ARTICULAR project will be implemented – An experience of curricular articulation in the initial training of educators and teachers of the 1st cycle, to be developed by teachers from the Higher School of Education (ESE/IPS), Master’s degree in Pre-School Education and Teaching of the 1st cycle of Basic Education, aiming to promote articulation, from children’s books, between different disciplinary areas such as Mathematics, Oral Language and Approach to Writing.
IPS & Santander-InovPed is part of the institution’s global strategy of investing in pedagogical innovation, which has translated into a professional training and development program for teachers and also in the implementation of projects in different areas of the teaching and learning process.
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