
Jacinta and Joana Gil present “Samba a Dois”

  • The song “Samba a Dois” was written by Jacinta (composition) and Joana Gil (lyrics).
  • Jacinta and Joana Gil have been working together for 15 years and are always looking for new challenges.

This challenge of singing together a song that they both wrote, in an acoustic environment, only accompanied by the guitar, reveals an organic musical environment, without much post-production.

Samba a Dois”, a single that will also name the EP that will be released soon, has as its motto the concept of “Diferença e Repetição” by Deleuze.

This philosophical theory, used by artists and performers all over the world, demonstrates that through the application of intensity, it is possible to give birth to the “new”, that is, to create a difference through repetition.

This is an exercise that, for example, Chet Baker did when recording the same songs many times, impelled by the need for an intense interpretation that would lead him to different paths.

Samba a Dois” was born as a jazz theme, without lyrics, whose focus was the melodic-harmonic angularity of its structure, amplified by the simplicity and rawness, characteristics of a jazz theme, in an absence of arrangement. In 2021, it was adapted into a song, with lyrics and also in an electronic music format.

In this new acoustic version, it gains a Samba tune – a totally new creation – this being the third version or “repetition” of the song, all of them with drastically different sound environments, in this “creation of the new” …

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