
José Cid in a solidarity concert filled Altice with Joy

Concert "New Future"

José Cid, a musician of great talent and a big heart, was once again on the front line giving his hand and music to this cause, helping “Novo Futuro”, an institution that helps children deprived of a safe family environment.

The Portuguese musician who was awarded a Latin Grammy in 2019Grammy for Musical Excellence – was present at Altice Arena for this solidary concert, a lot of joy, music and despite not being full, as the occasion deserved and this great Portuguese musician and author, but the present compensated in double, José Cid.

After a short presentation of the institution “Novo Futuro“, it was José Gonçalez who presented José Cid on stage, in the presence of several generations, from the oldest to the young, all accompanied, with great joy and warmth, the singer in his best-known themes.

A long concert with 26 themes + 2 in the encore, with which José Cid took us on a journey through his musical life, composed of so many excellent themes with which he has made our lives happier and which is always good to remember.

The concert had two guests Era de Castro and Mário Mata who sang with José Cid who had the company on stage by great musicians, Manuel Marques, Pepe, Ze Miguel, Samuel and Amadeu Magalhães. Also present was the President of the Portuguese Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, always available to support solidarity initiatives, but also artists who are currently experiencing difficulties.

An evening of excellent Portuguese music, which in normal times, probably would have filled the iconic Portuguese stage.

“Novo Futuro”
The “Novo FuturoAssociation is a Private Institution of Social Solidarity, nationwide, non-profit whose main task is to provide in its 8 Residential Homes, physical, emotional and social care for 75 children and young people aged between 5 and 21 years old, deprived of a safe family environment and privileging groups of brothers.

Founded in Portugal in 1996 by Mrs. Drª. Maria de Jesus Barroso, adopted the spirit of Associacion Nuevo Futuro, founded in Spain, in 1968 with the high sponsorship of Infanta Doña Pilar de Borbón.


  • Noites de Janeiro
  • Cai Neve em Nova Iorque
  • 20 anos
  • Um grande grande amor
  • Cabana Junto à Praia
  • Menino Prodígio
  • De mentirosos está o cemitério cheio
  • São Salvador do Mundo
  • Fado da Nossa Senhora
  • Santo António de Lisboa

With guest Era de Castro

    • Porto Cidade
    • Fica a Dica


  • Mais um dia
  • Caminhos de Santiago
  • Tamborzinho Mágico
  • No dia em que o rei faz anos
  • Anita não é bonita

With guest Mário Mata

    • Já Conheço esse olhar
    • Então oh Zé


  • El Rei D. Sebastião
  • Ontem, hoje e amanhã
  • Coração de papelão
  • Rock dos bons velhos tempos
  • A minha música
  • Tempo Feliz
  • Como o macaco gosta de bananaEncore
  • Se Chico Buarque me cantasse um Fado
  • Na cabana junto à praia
  • Amanhã de Manhã
  • Um grande grande amor)
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