After another month of June with many exclusive concerts for its members (with Meta, Dapunksportif, Knot3, From Atomic, John Branco & The Fee and also Henrique Amoroso and the Corsicans), Música da Casa (MdC) presents its poster for July.
The first concert with a live audience, which will also be broadcast online to all members of the MdC. And soon with the return of Norton, the renowned band from Albiastrense, back to work after a period of interregnum.
This concert will take place at Salão Brazil, Coimbra, on 11 July, and will comply with all DGS rules for live performances. MdC offers 25 seats for its current members, and 10 seats for new members in the “Major Tom” category, who will still receive Norton’s new album “Heavy Light”, published on the 3rd of July.
The remaining concerts will feature the mythical Conimbricense band Wipeout Beat, by Carlos Dias, Pedro Calhau and Miguel Padilha, on the 17th of July, Little Friend, a project by John Almeida on the 19th; ending the month, and since it is not possible to see Tom Waits in an alternate bar in Intendente, we will have Presidente Drógado at Música da Casa, on the 26th
Here are all the concerts of the month of MdC:
Norton 11/7;
Wipeout Beat 17/7
Little Friend 19/7
President Drógado 26/7
The concerts are exclusive to members, and viewed through a closed group on Facebook. Promoters are already thinking about organizing live concerts, being in contact with several rooms
In addition to the concerts, subscribers have access to various record and merchandise sweepstakes, as well as exclusive content for authentic music lovers.