
Loulé and Lagos launch the 16th edition of the Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen Literary Contest

In what is already a tradition in the Algarve’s school life, the municipalities of Loulé and Lagos, through their Libraries, are coming together again to launch another edition of the Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen Literary Contest, an initiative whose main objective is to encourage reading the works of Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen.

The competition is aimed at students of the 2nd and 3rd cycles of Basic Education and Secondary Education or equivalent, in the Algarve region. Works of Poetry, Prose or Essay, in Portuguese, and Illustration (original and unpublished up to the date of the final decision) that focus on Sophia’s literary work are admitted, and they must indicate the original work on which they reflect.

The works presented must be identified with a pseudonym and the student’s school year. In case an author submits more than one work to the competition, the pseudonyms must be different for each one of them. They must be delivered by the 26th of February 2022, at the Municipal Library of Loulé or at the Municipal Library of Lagos.

The jury is made up of a representative of the Municipality of Loulé, the Municipality of Lagos, the General Directorate of Books, Archives and Libraries, the DGESTE – General Directorate of School Establishments (DSR-Algarve) and a guest author .

This competition is held annually and the awards ceremony, which takes place on a rotating basis, takes place in this edition at the Biblioteca de Loulé, on April 23, 2022. Loulé or Lagos. The jury awards four prizes for each level of education, two per category – Text modality (Poetry, Prose, Essay) and Illustration modality: 1st Prize: gift card worth €400 + participation certificate; 2nd Prize: 200€ gift card + participation certificate. There is the possibility of awarding honorable mentions: books + participation diploma. For the schools attended by the awarded students, books are offered as a contribution to the School Libraries.

It should be noted that the Sophia de Mello Breyner Literary Competition has been an important vehicle for promoting reading habits among students in the Algarve, as well as the legacy of one of the greatest names in Portuguese Literature.

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