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Luísa Sobral starts the year with new music and an intimate tour

“The Rest of Our Lives” talks about “the beauty and success of a couple living the little things of everyday life”.

For Luísa Sobral, “it is a contemplation of the poetic side of what seems banal but which brings us so much comfort, security and happiness when we live our routine”.

The music video, filmed in the historic area of ​​Lisbon, features Luísa Sobral and was directed by Filipe Cunha Monteiro.

Luísa Sobral

On January 18th, the “Coisas Pequeninas” tour begins at the Diogo Bernardes Theater in Ponte de Lima. An intimate journey through the seven albums released under her name, through the songs that Luísa Sobral wrote for other artists and many others that left such a mark on her. But also for the stories lived, for the poetry that traced it and for the memories of these small things, much bigger than they may seem. It will be a unique moment to get to know the most personal side of the artist who has already had a 13-year career.

Luísa Sobral > Teatro Tivoli BBVA ©Luís M. Serrão – ineews > 2023.02.25

After Ponte de Lima, “Little Things” will be presented on February 22nd at the Teatro-Cinema, in Fafe; at the Lousada Jazz Festival, on February 28th; at the Francisco de Assis Auditorium, in Porto, on April 29th; at the Teatro-Cine de Torres Vedras, on May 2nd; and at Teatro Maria Matos, in Lisbon, on the 12th. New dates will be announced soon.

Always confirm with the concert hall or promoter the conditions of access, confirmation of the date or time, ticket place of sale, price, and availability.

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