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Wonderful Simone back in Lisbon

Coliseu dos Recreios

Simone returns to Portugal with concerts in Porto, Casino Estoril and in Lisbon at the Coliseu, which welcomed her with a full house and great joy to see her again.

With a new album, when she also celebrates the 50th anniversary of her career, “Da Gente, after nine years of interregnum, the 72-year-old Brazilian singer, took to the stage of the coliseum her determination, joy and fantastic music to the delight of all the fans.

Simone > Coliseu dos Recreios ©Luís M. Serrão – ineews < 2022.11.13

One of the most important voices in Brazilian popular music mentioned that this song, so often postponed, is a tribute to the northeastern people,a people that was so chased away, called stupid and ignorant, a people so happy and musical“, and tells with the collaboration of young composers, Simone added “when you open yourself up to what’s new, it’s very good, there’s this annoyance called fear, but it’s very good, I had the pleasant surprise of meeting amazing people, getting to know them and doing this job, which is very interesting“, also features the Portuguese poet Tiago Gomes da Silva.

Dressed completely in white, Simone sang themes from her new album, but also the hits that we all know and that the Coliseu audience sang with her from beginning to end.

Simone > Coliseu dos Recreios ©Luís M. Serrão – ineews < 2022.11.13

It was already in Portugal that Simone learned of the unexpected death of Gal Costa, and at the end of the concert, in one of the most emotional moments of the night, and to a standing ovation from the public, Simone and all the musicians unfurled a cloth with “Gal” in blue in homage to one of the most important voices in Brazil, she ended up distributing white flowers to the public, already a tradition in her concerts, let’s hope that he returns soon, “The Cicada” who continues to enchant with his seductive and beautiful voice.


Concert setlist

  • Canta Canta
  • Cigarra
  • Haja Terapia
  • O que será?
  • Começar de novo
  • Você distante
  • Encontros e despedidas
  • Alma
  • Nua
  • Boca em brasa
  • To que to
  • Jura secreta
  • Por que você não vem?
  • Sob medida
  • Encantadora
  • Caçador de mim
  • Iolanda
  • Maria, Maria
  • Naturalmente
  • To voltando
  • O amanhã

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