Maria Teresa Horta distinguished with Cultural Merit Medal
The ceremony was scheduled for the middle of this month, but the current pandemic situation has forced its cancellation, which will take place at a more timely date, next year.
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he award of the medal, this year, occurs when the 60 years of Maria Teresa Horta’s literary life are celebrated. In 2021, when the medal is awarded, it marks the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the design of the “Novas Cartas Portuguesas“, which the author wrote with Maria Isabel Barreno and Maria Velho da Costa.
Maria Teresa Horta was born in Lisbon, where she attended the Faculty of Letters, having made her debut in poetry in 1960, with “Espelho Inicial“.
His poetic work published in Portugal was collected in “Poesia Reunida” (2009), followed by “Poemas para Leonor” (2012), “A Dama e o Unicórnio” (2013), “Anunciações” (2016) – Authors SPA Award/Best Poetry Book 2017 -, “Poesis” (2017) and “Estranhezas” (2018).
In fiction, she is the author of the novels “Ambas as Mãos sobre o Corpo” (1970), “Ema” (1984) and “A Paixão segundo Constança H.” (1994), and co-author, with Maria Isabel Barreno and Maria Velho da Costa, from the “Novas Cartas Portuguesas” (1972).
In 2011, he published “As Luzes de Leonor”, a novel about the Marquesa de Alorna distinguished with the D. Dinis Award, from the Casa de Mateus Foundation.
In 2014, the year in which he was awarded the Career Consecration Prize by the Portuguese Society of Authors, he edited the volume of short stories “Meninas”.
Last year, he published “Quotidiano Instável”, designation of the column he signed in the supplement Literatura & Arte of the newspaper A Capital, between 1968 and 1972, bringing together the set of chronicles of that period.
With books published in Brazil and France, Maria Teresa Horta was the first woman to exercise leading functions in the cinema club in Portugal, and is considered one of the most prominent feminists in Portuguese speaking.