The first edition of the award is aimed at students from the 7th to the 9th year of schooling and will distinguish works that contribute to the development of a sense of belonging of citizens to the European Union.
The Portuguese Socialist Delegation in the European Parliament presents the first edition of the Mário Soares Prize, aimed at rewarding students of the 3rd cycle of basic education every year for the works presented within the curricular component of Citizenship and Development and which value aspects of European citizenship.
Works carried out in the context of other disciplines, from the same cycle of studies, which aim to contribute to the development of a sense of belonging of citizens to the European Union, may also compete for the Mário Soares Prize.
The authors of the five best works will be rewarded with a visit to the European Parliament that will include travel and stay for two nights in Brussels.
Applications can be made until May 31, through the website
The Mário Soares Prize jury will be chaired by Isabel Soares, daughter of Mário Soares and Maria Barroso and the winners will be announced in June.