
Marisa Liz sells out Coliseu de Lisboa

February, 10th

The artist will also perform at the Coliseu do Porto Ageas, on February 24th, which is almost sold out.

Marisa Liz achieves another great feat in her solo career. One month before making her debut at the Coliseu de Lisboa, the artist managed to sell out what is one of the most emblematic venues in the country. In addition to this concert at Coliseu dos Recreios, on February 10th, Marisa Liz will also take the stage at Coliseu do Porto Ageas, on February 24th, which is also almost sold out.

These two shows, called “Girassóis, Tempestades e Mensagens de Amor” (“Sunflowers, Storms and Messages of Love”), will surprise the audience on and off stage, as they will be involved in several unexpected moments and many messages of love. These will be two concerts that will certainly remain in the hearts of anyone who has the opportunity to experience them in person.

In connection with these two very special dates at the Coliseums, Marisa Liz is preparing to launch the EP Mensagens de Amor (Love messages) on January 26th, in which she sets out to pay homage to some of the songs from her life, as well as performers that she greatly admires. The first single, “Um Dia de Domingo”, a song originally performed by Gal Costa and Tim Maia, premiered with a live performance, alongside António Zambujo, on the stage of “The Voice Portugal”, which moved and dazzled the entire audience. court hearing.

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