
MatosinhosHabit presents an innovative project in Spain

MatosinhosHabit was present at the International Event on Social Housing (Social Housing Festival Barcelona), Spain, held between the 7th and 9th of June, and was part of the panel discussion on Next Generation EU funds and their application.

In this debate session, José Nunes, Director of Works and Projects at MatosinhosHabit, presented as an example of a municipal practice in social housing, in order to achieve, in 2030, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, the Housing Complex Flower of Infesta.

With 105 dwellings of types T1, T2 and T3, this project was the first in Matosinhos, developed in line with Building Information Modeling (BIM), which marks the digital transformation in architecture, engineering and construction.

Anticipating the legal obligations of 2025, the normative application of BIM in this housing complex is reflected in the updating and constructive technical enhancement in relation to the initial project, namely in thermal insulation, in the quality of finishes, in the introduction of solar panels, in the internal communication system, in access for people with reduced mobility, among other factors that refer to this project as innovative. The planned investment is over 20 million, supported by the PRR – Recovery and Resilience Plan.

Within the scope of the SDGs and the development of the city with a focus on the New European Bauhaus, José Nunes also presented MatosinhosHabit’s strategy for promoting the circular economy and sustainability, using renewable energy and creating energy communities.

Among other subjects, the European Funds and the PRR, the Next Generation EU and its applicability in Portugal, the need to increase the housing stock and modular construction for a faster response to the needs of the municipality and short deadlines were also addressed. .

For Manuela Álvares, President of the Board of Directors of MatosinhosHabit, “participation in this event represents our commitment to promoting good quality and inclusive affordable housing, addressing carbon neutrality, the circular economy and valuing pre-existing buildings, when renewed, making known to other countries what good is being done in Portugal in this matter, thus contributing to the sharing of ideas on success stories in Europe”.

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