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Morna-Cante-Fado a unique concert

with Jon Luz, Buba Espinho and Hélder Moutinho

A concert was held at the Largo do Cabeço de Bola barracks that brought together three unique musical styles, Morna, Cante Alentejano, and Fado, all of them Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (UNESCO).

By the hand of Jon Luz, musician and composer, who has been a regular name in Bairro em Festa, with the tribute to the music of Cape Verde and Serenata de Mornas in 2015, 2017, and 2019, or in 2020 when he joined Fado and Morna with Antonio Zambujo.

Bairro em Festa ©Luís M. Serrão – ineews < 2022.02.04

This time he brought together three musical styles and joined on stage, Buba Espinho who took Cante and Hélder Moutinho, a unique voice of Fado, and created an unprecedented concert, for this festival that took place again at the Quartel do Largo Cabeço de Bola.

Bairro em Festa ©Luís M. Serrão – ineews < 2022.02.04

And it was to a crowded square, where excellent musicians and singers, with Jon Luz, Buba Espinho, and Hélder Moutinho, interpreted iconic songs of the three styles. Jon Luz opened the concert by saying that they were going to play mornas, sing, and fado, but then they would mix it all up, with everyone jumping between the three styles and ending “all together“, so it was, a late afternoon to remember.

Bairro em Festa ©Luís M. Serrão – ineews < 2022.02.04

Technical and artistic data

  • Promoting entity: Largo Residências
  • Conception, artistic direction and voice: Jon Luz
  • Voice: Buba Espinho and Hélder Moutinho
  • Portuguese Guitar: Pedro Castro and Pedro Dias
  • Viola: André Ramos
  • Guitar: Dani Fonseca
  • Cavaquinho: Afonso Albuquerque


BAIRRO EM FESTA is a cultural initiative co-promoted by the Lisbon City Council, EGEAC, the Arroios Parish Council, and LARGO Residências, in partnership with the Local Network of Socio-Cultural Partners around Eixo Almirante Reis (Intendent , Pena, Anjos, and Arroios).

In 2020, the name of the event undergoes a new mutation – one more among the many that have happened since its genesis. These mutations are linked to the sociocultural function of local and urban development to which the event is associated, a function that has also gone through several phases over the last nine years: from the celebration of the end of the work of a square (Renasce um Largo para a Cidade, 2012) until the end of the works of several Largos in an axis (Largos da Mouraria, 2013) and also through the creation of local identity (Bairro Intendente em Festa, 2014). This last chapter was developed in partnership with a group of entities that fought for an integrated requalification of this territory, a process in which the Festival showed a fundamental role in the social cohesion of this area and opening it to the rest of the city. The recognition of this success by the Lisbon City Council and the desire to extend the intervention to an even wider network of sociocultural partners gives rise to a new life for the Festival in 2020.

The cultural cooperative LARGO Residências continues to coordinate this network of around 10 partners/organizations in the design of shared programming, with the partnership and support of several local entities of a diverse nature: education, commerce, social, and services.

Bairro em Festa 2021 continues to be faithful to a line of programming that crosses generations and trends. There are concerts, shows, creative projects that count on the contribution of the local community, debates, exhibitions, and a series of other activities that make up a diversified offer that underlines the characteristics of a multicultural neighborhood, with day and nightlife. The Festival’s mission involves an integrated and integrative coexistence, in an open neighborhood (or in this case four neighborhoods that share a similar profile) that welcomes the global without losing sight of its local essence.

It is with a free heart, and without pretensions, that we want to reach the next-door neighbor’s door, but we also want to leave it open to those who live in other parts of the city, to those who are passing through, to those who listen to other songs or speak other languages, and to all those who want to participate in the huge and lively collective conversation/meeting that is Bairro em Festa.

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