
“Show Spain”: Palmela hosts Colloquium on the Camino de Santiago

Palmela hosts, on October 30th, the Colloquium “Spain, Portugal and the Camino de Santiago. Caminhos do Caminho”, part of the “Show Spain”. The Colloquium is organized by the Municipality of Palmela (through GEsOS – Office of Studies on the Order of Santiago) and the Spanish Ministry of Culture and will be coordinated by Feliciano Novoa Portela and Isabel Cristina F. Fernandes.

Starting at 9:00 am, at the Cine-Teatro S. João, the event, having the Camino de Santiago as its guiding principle and through different points of view, aims to offer a vast panorama of this element, which has united Portugal and Spain since the century XII. There are many paths to Santiago, full of nature, music, art, history, pilgrims and tourists. All these paths will be discussed in this Colloquium, through the voice of experts from both countries on issues that revolve around the Path and life.

After the theoretical sessions, the Colloquium ends at 5:30 pm with two initiatives at the Church of Santiago (Castelo de Palmela): the inauguration of the Exhibition “El Camino ilustrado” – a collection of watercolors by Alicia Aradilla on the Camino de Santiago – and the Concert “Lorca Peregrino”, by Samuel Diz (Galician Classical Guitar), with the participation of Tenor Jonatan Alvarado.

Free to participate, the event is aimed at researchers, tourist agents, teachers from different levels of education, university and secondary education students, technicians from local authorities and the general public. Applications must be made by October 28th, filling out the application form (available soon) and sending it by e-mail to Certificates of participation will be delivered.

More info here.

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