The Municipality of Viseu has just been awarded, for the first time, the Green Flag ECOXXI, edition of 2021. The results were announced today during a ceremony that took place in Santo Tirso. The work of 13 teaching establishments in the municipality, publicly recognized as Eco-Schools, should also be highlighted.
The Green Flag ECOXXI is a program coordinated by ABAE – Blue Flag Association of Europe, which symbolizes a commitment to sustainability. Its objectives are to identify and recognize good environmental and social practices in the territories in Portugal, and challenge government entities and the population in general to project the construction of a better future.
It should be noted that, with regard to municipalities, the program annually analyzes 21 indicators and 65 sub-indicators, in order to identify and reward those that actually have good sustainability practices. This recognition proves the intense work that the Municipality of Viseu has developed in the area of environment and sustainability, over the last few years.
In one of the criteria analyzed for this award – the Eco-Schools – Viseu once again breaks records, with 13 educational establishments distinguished in 2020/2021. In the previous year, Viseu had reached 9 Eco-Schools, thus consolidating a growth trend that had already been observed since 2017. In this case, the distinction recognizes the merit of educational establishments in achieving several environmental and sustainability goals, namely one action plan alluding to the themes of Water, Energy, Waste, Air and/or Outdoor Spaces.
This is an award that recognizes the merit of educational establishments in achieving environmental goals. Viseu is one of the partner municipalities of this program by contributing, every year, the enrollment of educational establishments. Despite the confinement during the 3rd school period, there was an effort by schools to overcome the existing constraints, encouraging students to continue working from home, adapted to learning, with the family.