Sintra Art Museum hosts exhibition commemorating the 500th anniversary of Luís Vaz de Camões
Opening, January 17th at 6:30 PM – MU.SA – Sintra Museum of Arts
The Sintra City Council will open the temporary exhibition “The Camonian Collection of Carvalho Monteiro in the 5th Centenary of Camões”, on January 17th, at 6:30 pm, at MU.SA – Sintra Museum of Arts.
This exhibition, promoted by the CulturSintra Foundation, will be on display until April 20th and is part of the celebrations of the 500th anniversary of the birth of Luís Vaz de Camões (1524-1580).
The curatorial project is being led by a committee that includes Raquel Henriques da Silva, Paulo Almeida Fernandes, from the City Museum, Beatriz Haspo, from the Library of Congress, and Denise Pereira and Luísa Antunes, from the Cultursintra FP Foundation.
The narrative explores the thematic relevance of a nineteenth-century Camonian in its literary and artistic contexts, revealing how the emotional density of national celebrations sustained the desire of the press, artists and bibliophiles around a twilight national affirmation that largely surpassed the strict limits of the collector.
Featuring numerous artistic objects and original documents that have never been presented to the public, the exhibition will display a set of previously unseen paintings and drawings by Domingos Sequeira, Metrass, Casanova, Sendim, Cifka and David Lubin, among others. Among these outstanding pieces are also the very faithful copy of the poet’s first portrait and the first bust of Luís de Camões signed by Jules Droz, in addition to all editions of the poet’s work since 1572.
Considered the most complete and relevant Camonian work of the 19th century, this exhibition seeks to reconstruct Carvalho Monteiro’s bibliographic and iconographic collection, now scattered among private and public collections at the national and international levels, through solid historical artistic research.
The exhibition also includes collections from the Lisbon Museum, the National Library of Portugal, the National Archive of Torre do Tombo, the Casa de Bragança Foundation, the CulturSintra FP Foundation, the Science Museum of the University of Coimbra and the Library of Congress ( USA), among other entities and private collections.
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