
Música da Casa starts June’s concerts with META

After a full month of May, with 6 Concerts (Sun Blossoms, LaBaq, Flávio Torres, Daniel Catarino; Birds Are Indie and JP Simões) the poster for the month of June, of the House Music, is already known

Half a dozen more concerts are scheduled:

  • Goal – 6/6
  • Dapunksportif – 6/13
  • Knot 3 – 6/20
  • From Atomic – 6/21
  • John Branco & The Fee – 6/27
  • Henrique Amoroso – 6/28

The concerts are exclusive to members, and viewed through a closed group on Facebook. Promoters are already thinking about organizing live concerts, being in contact with several rooms
In addition to the concerts, subscribers have access to various record and merchandise sweepstakes, as well as exclusive content for authentic music lovers.

Membership to this platform is made through patreon


Meta is Mariana Bragada exploring the essence of the voice.
Born in Bragança with deep roots in nature and with the memory of singing and dancing since he exists.

It is characterized as a melody seamstress – it collects and bakes sounds from the world, which it records in its travels and which it hears in the heart, creating a blanket of sound patches of imaginary paths and traditions, which grows endlessly.

Goal unites the natural and ancestral inspiration that the Earth gives you with the technology that empowers you to re-create visions and manifestations. Through improvisations and songs in Portuguese, English, Spanish and in the universal language, he shares the creation process at the moment and values ​​the trip as the destination. Meta invites us to continuously seek sharing, empathy and freedom of expression with its ethereal sound and reminds us to exist in the now.

In 2018 he participated in the Festival Bons Sons, Um ao Molhe, TedxPorto, SofarSounds Porto / Coimbra / Madrid and recorded for A Música Portuguesa a Like Her Own and Antena 1.

In 2019 he was a finalist in the Song Festival, with participation at the invitation of Antena 1, and with original composition / interpretation “Mar Doce”. He played at MusicBox, at 5th of Viritato on SBSR radio, participated in the Quintanilha Rock Festival and Um ao Molhe for the second time and was one of the selected for the Festival à la Mostra.

He also released the single and, subsequently, the debut EP “Mónada” which is available on all online platforms and with physical edition. Meta had its first European Tour in collaboration with Chau and support from the GDA Foundation in February 2020, covering 4 countries.

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