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“The Lover of My Husband” at the Armando Cortez Theatre in the final stretch of 2024

Returns to Lisbon from November 21 to December 22

Marta Andrino, Frederico Amaral, Rita Simões, and Paulo Matos will present the comedy “The Lover of My Husband” at the recently renovated Armando Cortez Theatre, at the Casa do Artista.

The door comedy returns to the stage on November 21 for a short run until December 22. In November, performances are held from Thursday to Sunday. In December, performances are scheduled from Friday to Sunday.

With a script by Rodolfo da Rocha Carvalho and direction by Paulo Matos, the narrative of “The Lover of My Husband” starts with the pursuit of a dream: Asdrúbal dreams of being an actor, but his wife has always ridiculed that dream; while Marilyn, the couple’s maid, dreams of winning the beauty contest of the parish club and finding the love of her life.

The narrative culminates with the arrival of Arnaldo (Frederico Amaral), a distinguished man who idealizes spiritual love and is confused both as Asdrúbal’s lover and as a scout, who meets Marilyn (Marta Andrino), the maid of Constança (Rita Simões) and Asdrúbal (Paulo Matos), who dreams of winning the beauty contest of the parish club and finding the love of her life.

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The Armando Cortez Theatre recently inaugurated a new theatre hall that underwent renovations regarding the stage (scene mechanics and equipment) and the audience over the past three months.

Tickets for “The Lover of the Husband” are already on sale on Ticketline and at the usual locations.

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