
Orchestra Without Borders takes music to Sabugal villages

The municipality of Sabugal, in the Guarda district, hosts five concerts during the first “pocket orchestra” marathon, an innovative initiative of the Orquestra Sem Fronteiras (OSF), announced today.

According to the Sabugal City Hall, the direction and presentation of the shows is the responsibility of maestro Martim Sousa Tavares, founder, and director of OSF and “one of the most active and innovative voices in the field of musical communication”.

The musical marathon begins on Saturday, at 9:30 pm, with an OSF concert at the Municipal Auditorium of the city of Sabugal.

On Sunday, concerts will be held in four villages of that county located along the border with Spain: Rapoula do Côa (at the main church at 11:30), Tailors (mother church, 14:30), Aldeia Velha (main church, 00) and Soito (parish hall, 17:30).

The municipality of Sabugal said that the localities will be visited by the OSF “inversion ‘pocket orchestra’, which will present the classical music of Antonín Dvorák, in combination with a conversation with the public, during the concert, in order to better illustrate and complement the hearing of this type of music “.

“This initiative, promptly hosted and supported by the municipality of Sabugal, aims to be a contribution to the establishment of young talent in the Interior of the country, combating the abandonment of music teaching and rewarding academic merit”, justifies the local authority of Sabugal, presided by António Robalo.

According to the source, “simultaneously access to culture is promoted, bringing classical music to the localities of the Interior Riano through free concerts, open rehearsals, and pedagogical actions and introduction to music to local populations.”

The concerts, which last approximately 50 minutes, have free admission.

The organization says that only for the Saturday night concert, scheduled for the Sabugal Municipal Auditorium, it is necessary to proceed with the previous collection of the ticket, in the Sabugal Museum.

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