Pepper robot has arrived at NorteShopping for a more emotional shopping experience
The Pepper robot has already arrived at NorteShopping, an innovative initiative by Sonae Sierra, which will provide visitors with a unique and memorable experience.
[dropcap]P[/dropcap]epper is a friendly and interactive humanoid robot that will help customers on their visit to NorteShopping. It is located next to the Information Desk, on Floor 0, to welcome you, help you find a store, find Center services such as the location of the changing room, but not only.
In addition to this more informative aspect, Pepper also expresses emotions and visitors will be able to play and interact in real-time, which will certainly create very fun moments.
It will also have a very important role in raising visitors’ awareness of the hygiene and safety measures to be taken regarding Covid-19s, reinforcing the indications already available at NorteShopping.
NorteShopping is the second Center to receive this initiative, after Centro Colombo, which opened its doors to the robot in order to enhance the visit experience and, simultaneously, promote the offer of tenants and services.