
Aesthetics Policies: The Future of the Sensitive

cycle of conferences at the CCB

  • Aesthetics Policies: The Future of the Sensitive
  • Curatorship and Moderation Jacinto Lageira
  • Event organized as part of the Portugal-France Season 2022
  • Marie-Jose Mondzain
  • Aesthetics and disorientation, a reading of Aby Warburg

CCB . December 8th. Thursday . 6:30 pm . Meeting Center

If we call art objects and art gestures those that, when addressed to the collective sensibility, have an emancipatory emotional power and, therefore, a political force, it will still be necessary that the devices that display them and the discourses that accompany them in order to offer them when looking and listening do not subject them to the oriented order of abusive, even erudite, interpretations. Depriving art of its relationship with disorder is like depriving the viewer of its relationship with reality and its subversive energy. When aisthésis is oriented, it is an anaisthesis — an anesthesia — that sets in, depriving us of the fecundity of disorientation and of that fictional energy we call freedom. Inspired by the unique case of Aby Warburg, his scientific method inseparable from the history of his madness, Marie-José Mondzain intends to analyze the fate of some images and see how the words that accompany them may have played a decisive role both in their destiny individual and in their political destiny. – Marie-Jose Mondzain

Marie-José Mondzain is a philosopher and emeritus director of research at the CNRS (Centre National de Recherche Scientifique) at the Institut Marcel Mauss. Since 1998 she has directed the Observatoire des Images Contemporaines (OBI) at the Ateliers Varan in Paris. Among others, she has published the following books:

• Antirrhétiques de Nicéphore le Patriarche, translation and commentary (Kliencksiek,1991)

• Image, icon, economy. Les sources byzantines de l’imaginaire contemporain, (Seuil, 1996),

• Le Commerce des regards (Seuil, 2003)

• L’Image peut-elle tuer? (Bayard, 2002), new enlarged edition, (Bayard, 2015)

• Homo Spectator (Bayard 2007)

• Images (à suivre), by la poursuite au cinéma et ailleurs (Bayard 2011)

• L’image, une affaire de zone, digital edition D-Fiction 2015

• Appétit de voir, Appétit de vivre, digital edition D-Fiction 2015

• Confiscation des mots, des images et du temps (Les Liens qui Libèrent, 2017)

• K comme Kolonie, Kafka et la décolonisation de l’imaginaire. (La Fabrique 2020)

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