“Por um fio”, is the metaphor I chose for this work. Composed of fifteen songs, which I recorded over 30 years in several places where, by a wire, I connected to the 220V that fed the hardware necessary for the sound recording.
I call this technological collection that I acquired over the years for this purpose, the Estúdio Itinerante Mecânica Celeste, which travelled with me inside a suitcase or in one or two flight-cases and connected by a wire where there was the proper current.
The pretext for the compositions was the desire to play in my own way, without diverting anyone from their path. For that, I organized rhythmic and harmonic structures over which I was free to run my fingers without any obstacles other than my limitations in these domains. All this was getting trapped in Hard Disks until I decided to make part of this work of years public.
With the precious collaboration of some musicians for whom I have great respect and admiration, I have completed some of the pieces included. They were Alexandre Frazão, Alexandre Manaia, Yuri Daniel, Nanã Sousa Dias, Diogo Santos, Bernardo Fesch, Edgar Caramelo, Tomás Moital, Gabriel Gomes and Rui Alves. Others were in one-man-band format when they seemed complete.
We are always by a thread in the relationship between our desires and the achievements obtained. I don’t know if it was by a thread or not, but I got precious support from the Cultural Fund of the Portuguese Society of Authors for the realization of this disc and I can only be grateful to them, as well as to all the other entities that supported me or support me in this purpose.
José Moz Carrapa
He was guitarist for groups such as Cid, Scarpa, Carrapa & Nabo, Circo da Vida and Sexo dos Anjos. He was part of Salada de Frutas, Ala dos Namorados and Fictions.
As resident producer at Valentim de Carvalho, he was co-producer of the albums “Anjo da Guarda” by António Variações, “Guardador de Margens” by Rui Veloso and “Atravessando Rios” by José Mucavele.
As an independent producer he produced the album “Projecto Project” by Ena Pá 2000. He also produced the albums “O Barco Voador” and “Zanzibar” by João Afonso. In 2016 he co-produced “Zarcotráfico“, Zarco’s debut EP, and in 2019 he co-produces “Spazutempo“, also by Zarco.
He participated as a guitarist on records by Amélia Muge, António Variações, Banda do Casaco, Djurumani, Dulce Pontes, João Afonso, Jorge Palma, José Mucavele, Júlio Pereira, Mísia, Rui Veloso, Sérgio Godinho, Tim, among others. He participated in the collective albums “Voz & Guitarra“, “Voz e Guitarra-vol 2” and “Cantigas de Amigos“. With Sei Miguel he recorded “Abrigo dos Pássaros” together with Fala Mariam.
He collaborated live in concerts with names such as Amélia Muge, João Afonso, Jorge Palma, Shila, Júlio Pereira, Minela Medeiros, Rui Veloso, Sérgio Godinho and Uxia.
He composed the music for the mini-series “A Morgadinha dos Canaviais” (Júlio Dinis) and “O Mandarim” (Eça de Queiroz), performed for RTP by Ferrão Katzenstein. He also made incidental music for the Portuguese versions of Sesame Street and Walt Disney Productions.
He made music for several children’s theatre plays staged by TIL (Teatro Infantil de Lisboa), Casa da Comédia and comedies written by Fernando Gomes (author, actor, director).
On bass, he was part of the group Rita e o Revólver, with Rui Alves (drums), Tiago Santos (guitar), Rita Cruz (vocals) and João Cardoso (keys).
He currently collaborates in Tim’s solo work, having participated in the recording of the CDs “Braço de Prata“, “Companheiros de Aventuras“, on the CD-DVD “Ao Vivo N’o Sol da Caparica“, “20-20-20” and at “live” concerts.
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