
Portucalense launches 3 new courses

The 1st cycle courses in Marketing and Computer Engineering and the Master in International Relations and Diplomacy will become part of the academic curriculum of the Universidade Portucalense (UPT), whose objective is the diversification of professional areas and the response to the demands of the business market at the National level and international.

The Marketing degree aims to train professionals capable of reconciling the strategic component of marketing management with an effective implementation at the level of operational marketing, by mastering and using the most advanced models and technologies.

This course has a strong connection to the labor market, offering a curricular internship, and promises not only quality training, but also the creation of the necessary conditions for a high employability rate for students. The course has a strong practical component, encouraging students to develop attractive projects in the area.

The degree course in Computer Engineering responds to the high demand for professionals in this area and, consequently, to the need for training students with this skill profile.

Since 1986, the University has been doing a great deal of collaboration and partnership with the business world in this area and it is in this context that we have seen an increasing demand for professionals and that exceeds the number of graduates available. It was to respond to this challenge that the institution decided to present this new bet.

The course plan includes a curricular internship, benefiting from a wide network of companies and institutions that are partners of the department and promoting the integration of students in the labor market.

In turn, the master’s degree in International Relations and Diplomacy continues the degree in International Relations, whose quality has been increasingly recognized, betting on a more specialized training, since it will have two aspects: economic diplomacy or political diplomacy.

This new master’s degree focuses on transversal, broadband training, which develops skills that are increasingly valued in the global labor market, including foreign languages, the technology associated with State management, negotiation, communication, the exploration of international markets and, in general, diplomatic practice itself.

“We are positioning ourselves in areas where we were not previously present, in response to the demands placed by the companies themselves, from different sectors and dimensions and which, with great dynamism, contribute to greater national competitiveness”, says Ferrão Filipe, Vice-dean for the Academic area.

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