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Portugal was the first country in the EU to deliver the Recovery and Resilience Plan

António Costa, highlighted the delivery to the European Commission (EC) of the final version of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR), stressing that Portugal was the first member state of the European Union to present it.

The Prime Minister refers that the PRR has concrete objectives to combat social vulnerabilities, he also stressed that this is a Plan to be implemented in a decentralized way and in partnership, with Regions and Municipalities, companies and institutions of higher education, scientists and cultural agents and institutions of the solidarity and social economy.

The Transparency Portal ensures that citizens follow the PRR implementation step by step. The Portuguese Government delivered the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) to the EC, through the official computer platform, at 6:51 am today. The Government stresses that the financial amount of the PRR amounts to 16,644 million euros, of which 13,944 million euros correspond to grants.

The President of the European Commission congratulated Portugal for being the first country to deliver its Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) to Brussels, noting that the document is structured around the three European priorities.

In February of this year, the EU Council adopted the regulation creating the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, valued at 672.5 billion euros and which is at the heart of the “Next Generation EU”, the 750 billion euros plan approved by European leaders in July 2020.

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