
Portugal is a guest country at the Leipzig Book Fair in 2022

This year’s Leipzig Book Fair will take place entirely online between 27 and 30 May.

This year’s edition of the German literary event was scheduled to take place in person and had Portugal as the Guest Country of Honor, under the sign of Maria Gabriela Llansol.

On January 29 this year, the cancellation of the fair was announced and it became known that, despite this, the Portuguese and German institutions involved continued to collaborate in order to move forward with the publication of more than 50 works by language authors Portuguese, translated into German.

In addition to maintaining a special program for Portugal in the online version, the country will return to be the guest of honor next year.

The presence of Portugal in Leipzig in 2022, as a guest, will continue to occur under the motto “Encontros Unexperados”, and will be a unique opportunity to continue the growing presence of works by Portuguese-speaking authors in the German market and knowledge, public, literary culture in Portuguese.

The full program of the Leipzig Liest Extra event will be announced on May 5, World Portuguese Language Day.

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