
Portuguese afraid of eating out, doing gymnasium and using public transportation


The Portuguese live in a time of uncertainty with fear. Most say they fear going back to frequent cafes, restaurants and bars; to use public transport; and indicates a timing between one and two months to return to normal. These are the conclusions of a joint study by Multidados – The Research Agency and Guess What.

Return to restaurants in just a month
The Portuguese admit their fear of returning to normal activities before the pandemic. On a scale of 0 (little fear) to 10 (very fear), the Portuguese attribute a value of 7 to going to bars and clubs and 6 to go to restaurants and bars. In terms of time, the intention of most Portuguese people is to return to restaurants and cafes in just a month. Before, half of the Portuguese had lunch or dinner in restaurants at least once a week and about 60% frequented cafes more than once a week. The frequency in bars and clubs was also great, especially at the weekend, when 32% of the Portuguese frequented these spaces.

Gyms: registrations cancelled and return with fear
More than 60% of respondents attended the gym more than once a week, but at this stage, the fear of returning is great (8 out of 10). Those who admit to returning say that they will visit these spaces less often than before, pointing out the return for two months from now. 90% of Portuguese people who use gyms guarantee that they will be more careful when selecting their gym.

Own transport will be used more
26% of the Portuguese used the car for their travels, a number that should be about to rise, since the use of a bus, metro or train causes fear and the intention of less use. Most respondents admit that they will only be able to use public transport again in more than two months.

83% of Portuguese people would rent a holiday home in 2020
In the last 12 months, 49% of Portuguese people rented a holiday home in Portugal once and 48% between two and three times. For 2020, the intention of more than 80% was to rent a house again, and of those who had formalized this intention, 60% cancelled their reservation.

Moderate fear in socializing with friends
When it comes time to return to socializing with friends and family, the Portuguese are afraid but moderate. From 1 to 10, the fear of being with friends is 5 and a little lower when it comes to being with the family. One fact is certain: 60% of respondents will decrease the number of people gathered together.

The study was carried out using CATI (Telephone) and CAWI (online) methods to a database of users registered on the platform. 1,000 responses were collected and validated between 20 and 23 May.

Photo: mrsiraphol
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