The Portuguese animated film “Entre Sombras”, by Alice Eça Guimarães and Mónica Santos, is nominated for the César film awards, awarded by the French film academy, was announced today.
Natalia is a bank employee, where clients deposit their hearts with fear that they are stolen or because, definitively and fatally, they will not trust anyone else. The days come and go, busy and tiring, but unexpectedly Natalia receives a request for help: a heart was stolen.
“Entre Sombras”, an animated frame-by-frame in pixelization (stop motion technique with actors and real objects), where each painting is meticulously worked, is an extremely sophisticated invention, inhabited by shadows, angles and cinematographic flourishes inspired by aesthetics of the ’40s, Art Deco and Surrealism. Homage to the genre of Film Noir, intricate and capricious plot, where the Gabardine detective and hat, the languid woman well dressed in a well-cut dress, the smoky bar, and a seductive voice off (played by Margarida Vila Nova), “Entre Sombras” is the second film by the duo of filmmakers Alice Eça Guimarães and Mónica Santos, and her second presence at Curtas Vila do Conde where they debuted with the hit movie “Amélia e Duarte”, which won the Canal Acquisition Award + and the Public Prize in 2015.