Portuguese indicate personal and banking data as information to protect
The Portuguese point personal data and bank data as the kind of information they care most about protecting the Internet, reveals a YouGov study for Google released today.
The study, carried out for Google on the behaviour of the Portuguese on the Internet during the day of Internet + Segura, also concluded that half of the Portuguese has been through some attempt to ‘phishing’ by ‘mail’.
Nearly two-thirds of respondents (64.03%) pointed out that financial information (banking data) was most concerned about protecting online, followed by personal information (eg address), referred to by 14.18%.
Less than 10% (7.29%) of respondents expressed concern about protecting personal moments on the Internet, such as family photos.
The study was based on 1,007 interviews with Portuguese adults, conducted between December 27 and January 08, and the data are weighted and representative of the Portuguese adult population.
When asked if two-factor authentication was used to ensure Internet security, a quarter of the respondents (24.89%) said they did it “in all”, but the majority (45.13%) stated that they only did so “in some“.
More than one-fifth (21.90%) of the respondents “use in no” of the online accounts two factors of authentication.
Regarding having a recovery phone number or e-mail address on online accounts, the study indicates that 41.91% of Portuguese use one of these options, while 11.67% say they do not.
On the regular analysis of security tools on the Internet, most (28.54%) said “never” do, and more than 12% said they did “more than once a month“, the same proportion of those who perform this procedure “once a month”.
Regarding the update of keywords in online accounts, a quarter (25.11%) said that this was “less regular than once every six months“, followed by those who never did (15,44 %).
The update once every six months was answered by 13.45% and 11.10% indicated that they did it once every two / three months.
“For Google, when people are ‘online’ they should not have to worry about the security of their information,” the tech said in a statement, citing “machine learning” as helping Gmail prevent that false ‘spam’ and ‘phishing’ messages appear in the inbox and 99.9% accurate. ”
Google highlights five tips for the Portuguese to maintain Internet security: keep the software updated, use unique keywords for each account, have a number or ‘mail’ to retrieve an account, do the security checkup Google and adopt two-step authentication.