The system was designed for experimental and light aviation that may come to save lives. The aim is to get to failures before they cause accidents.
ITrack Solutions, the startup of Coimbra, has created a system that allows detecting any imperceptible fault without the use of measuring equipment. This system, explains iTrack Solutions, was designed for experimental aviation and for Light Sports Aircrafts (LSA), ie light aviation.
The system created is called Air Copilot and analyzes the information collected through the sensors installed in the aircraft to obtain information on the mechanical systems of the aeroplane, always warning of mechanical problems.
As? The company explains that the box that is installed on the aircraft (non-invasively) integrates vibration sensors, a relative compression test and pulse meter that allows detecting failures before they become a problem.
This system may prove to be preponderant since about 18% of light aviation accidents are caused by mechanical failures, and Air Copilot may save lives.
The product, which is being developed with a patent from the European Space Agency (ESA), will be demonstrated on next 20th and 21st, in Coimbra, at an ESA BIC Portugal event, attended by ESA’s Director General, Johann-Dietrich ‘Jan’ Wörner, and the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Manuel Heitor.