
Portuguese technology helps British authorities catch and convict human trafficking

The drone of the Portuguese company Tekever AR5 is at the service of the British authorities, watching the English Channel and making daily flights of more than eight hours.

It was on one of these missions that the drone’s cameras captured unmistakable images of Rebwar Ahmed at the helm of a rigid inflatable boat that, on July 12, was carrying 20 migrants on board, five of whom were minors.

The images were decisive for the conviction read this Wednesday by Judge Mark Weekes. This was the first time that this type of evidence has been used as evidence in a court case.

Tekever’s solution has been in use by the British Ministry of Internal Affairs since July 2019. Since then, over 60% of daily missions have detected overcrowded small vessels and some of them even in emergencies.

The AR5 drone is a fixed-wing twin-engine specially designed for maritime surveillance missions, it can fly more than 20 hours and carry equipment such as radars, day and night cameras or location transmission receivers.

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