
Praia da Figueirinha – About

Few beaches along the Portuguese coast offer images as worthy of postcard as the beaches of Arra’bida do. The crystalline waters surrounded by vegetation and white sand make anyone jealous. This paradise, less than an hour from Lisbon, recently changed the game of accessibility during the bathing season. This is to avoid major traffic jams and lazy and unskilled drivers who insisted on blocking the access road to beaches with parking on both sides.

The Arra´bida Without Cars program | Setu’bal Beaches for All has a plan in place, which started on June 15th and runs until September 15th, which restricts the circulation and car parking in two places. :Os: the first between Figueirinha and Creiro Beach (between the second Figueirinha tunnel and the Creiro car park; 08.00-20.00) and the other between Casa do Gaiato and Portinho da Arra´bida (between the access road to Portinho, supporting Casa do Gaiato, and Portinho da Arra´bida; 08.00-19.00). So, how do you get to the beaches of the Rabbits, Galapinhos and Galapos, which are between these extremes? Leave the vehicle on one of the limits, sometimes in Figueirinha, sometimes in Creiro, and arrive early to find a place.

From there it’s on you: or use the little legs that gave you and pass the red barriers, which prevent the passage of cars and are guarded by the police, or take a ride from the buses that make the crossings from one end to the other. Transportes Sul do Tejo has careers (covered by the Navegante Pass) from various points in Setu’bal and Brejoeira (Azeitao), ensuring connections to Arra’bida beaches. You can also take the free shuttle buses from Figueirinha to Creiro, and vice versa, stopping at the beaches of Galapos and Galapinhos (get out here to Coelhos), and run every 20 minutes between 08.00 and 20.00 There is also another shuttle between the intersection of Portinho da Arra´bida (EN 379-1) and the Portinho da Arra´bida beach, from 09.00 to 19.00.

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