
Program ‘Opportunities for Talent’ has already started in Cascais

The purpose of this program is to transform unemployment or downtime into new opportunities in Cascais

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he Cascais City Council announced, in a statement, that the ‘Opportunities for TalentProgram is underway and supporting the manufacture and distribution of masks is the first project in the latest program to support unemployment and inactivity in the municipality.


The Opportunities for Talent Program comes at a time of a significant increase in unemployment in the country and provides opportunities for citizens of Cascais to enhance their talent, experiences, and skills, placing them at the service of the community and their own employability.

This program is very important and is launched in coordination with the IEFP. There are 20 applications accepted and some are already at the Operations Center to have the training to pack the masks”, reveals councilman Frederico Nunes who adds: “Next week, they will be at the mask factory, where during the month of June they will go integrate the mask production and packaging service”.


The Support Project for the Manufacture and Distribution of masks is only the first of this program that aims to promote the personal and professional valorization of people in various situations of inactivity, whether they are young people looking for a first job, people in a situation of unemployment, pre-retirement or lay off, beneficiaries of Social Integration Income, among others.

The 20 participating residents were integrated under the IEFP Support Measure for the Emergency Reinforcement of Social and Health Equipment (MAREESS), given that this project is the result of a close collaboration between the Municipality of Cascais and the Institute of Employment and Professional Training (IEFP) – Employment Center of Cascais and CascaisNext.

Developing in a month, the project can be extended for another two. All participants benefit from a monthly grant and individualized technical support, facilitating the development of new skills, attitudes and useful contacts for the subsequent realization of their professional projects.



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