
PULCINELLA – Lisbon Metropolitan Orchestra

CCB's Grand Auditorium

This program opens with the “zoological musical fantasy” that Saint-Saëns wrote at the Carnival of 1886 to entertain his friends. There are 14 pieces in which he proposed to illustrate animals such as chickens, kangaroos… fossils?!… pianists?!

It is, therefore, a true musical satire. Turtles dance the slowest cancan in memory, the disfigurement of an Offenbach creation. Elephants are given a minuet by Berlioz, also very transformed. And the examples follow each other in a mocking tone.

We then have the opportunity to listen to the sounds of the orchestra and the solo voices that accompanied the ballet Pulcinella, which premiered at the Paris Opera in 1920, with backdrops by Picasso and choreography by Massine.

Freely inspired by scores of 18th-century Italian composers, this production marked the career of Igor Stravinsky, as the “discovery” of music from the past showed him the neoclassical style that accompanied him from then on.

Lisbon Metropolitan Orchestra

CCB’s Grand Auditorium
Saturday, October 9th, 9 pm
Sunday, October 10, 5:00 pm

  1. Saint-Saëns The Carnival of the Animals*
  2. I. Stravinsky Ballet music Pulcinella **

Paulo Oliveira, Alexei Eremine pianos *
Rita Marques soprano Frederico Projecto tenor Christian Luján bass**
Francisco Tropa Scenography
Pedro Lamares ator
Jean-Marc Burfin  conductor

Belém Cultural Center / Metropolitana

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