
“Pulmão” at Maria Matos

from February 1st

After selling out all the performances at Teatro Meridional, PULMÃO, it returns for a short season at Teatro Maria Matos, where it will be on stage, during the month of February, on Wednesdays and Thursdays from the 1st of February.

A love story.
A glance at the communication effort between two people.
Is the search for consolation in the other and in the world insatiable?

Duncan Macmillan proposes an accelerated journey through the life of a couple. An emotional roller coaster triggered by the question of whether or not to have a baby. What do they talk about when they talk? What do we talk about when we talk?

The poetics of the text based on a quick everyday language, full of overlaps and banalities, seems to point to an existential questioning, but also to position us as individuals belonging to an animal species at risk of extinction.

How much are we willing to give up to save the common space we inhabit? Are we still on time? In time for what?

Artist Sheet

Text Duncan Macmillan
Sarah Adamopoulos Translation
Staging Ana Nave
With Benedita Pereira and Tomás Alves

Scenic version and dramaturgy Ana Nave and Cristina Carvalhal
Plastic conception Rui Francisco
Luz Zeca Iglesias
Photography by Sara Carinhas
Photograph of the Carlos Santos poster
Directing assistance Cristina Carvalhal
Executive Producer Rita Faustino
Co-production of Common Causes, Arte 33, Teatro Municipal de Vila Real
Acknowledgments Centro Cultural Malaposta, Joana Soares, Companhia Olga Roriz

Always confirm with the concert hall or promoter the conditions of access, confirmation of the date or time, tickets place of sale, price, and availability.

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