Ruane Ballmant makes his debut at Casino Estoril in a night of jazz and bossa nova
free entry, on Friday, February 3rd
Next Friday, February 3rd, starting at 10.30 pm, Ruane Ballmant will perform at Lounge D at Casino Estoril.
The Brazilian composer and performer have a unique style that combines the best of bossa nova and jazz. Her sweet voice and sophisticated performance evoke joyful feelings through a subtle and minimalist approach. Entry is free.
With a style of his own, Ruane Ballmant has the ability to reach the emotional heart of songs, with delicately nuanced interpretations that transcend borders.
Ruane Ballmant is a versatile and talented artist with a strong passion for music. Her repertoire includes the best bossa nova and jazz classics, performed in Portuguese, English, and French.
Always confirm with the concert hall or promoter the conditions of access, confirmation of the date or time, tickets place of sale, price, and availability.
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