
Seixal World Music 2022

June 17, 18, and 19 - José Afonso Urban Park, Miratejo

Miratejo once again hosts Seixal World Music, this year with three days of concerts with sounds from Brazil, Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, and Portugal.

The initiative continues to promote multiculturalism, tolerance, integration, and peace among peoples, through music and other cultural expressions.

Opening the event, on the 17th of June, at 20:00, AYOM, a band made up of members from Italy, Brazil, Angola and Greece, arrive from Brazil. On the same night, the concert by Selma Uamusse follows, with Mozambican rhythms and lyrics in native languages. On Saturday, the 18th, Velha Gaiteira, one of the most charismatic bagpipes projects in Portugal, and the Angolan musician Paulo Flores, will play the Independência tour. Concerts by Cape Verdeans Mario Lucio & Os Kriols and Eneida Marta, from Guinea-Bissau, mark, Sunday, the closing of this edition.

In addition to the performances on the main stage, the county’s immigrant associations will be present, with handicrafts, gastronomy, stage entertainment, and the presentation of the book «II Encontro pela Paz – Pela Paz Todos Não Somos Demais», which will take place on the 19th of December. June at 6 pm.

Seixal World Music is free entry.

Always confirm with the concert hall or promoter the conditions of access, confirmation of the date or time, tickets place of sale, price, and availability.

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