
Semana da Dança: ateliês e espetáculos para toda a família em Palmela

In November, there are workshops and dance shows for the whole family, in the cultural facilities of the municipality of Palmela. The 24th edition of the Dance Week(s), which takes place between the 2nd and the 27th, organized by the Municipality of Palmela and Passos e Compassos, also features activities especially aimed at the Educational Community.

The general public will have the opportunity to participate in the dance workshops “Horas a DançAr”, on the 13th, and also in the Dance and Creative Expression Workshop – Pé ante Pé, for children aged 8 to 10, on the 20th. be able to watch the show for children and families “Pé ante Pé”, by DançArte, on the 21st, and “Outras Pontes”, by the Companhia de Danças Ciganas OPRÉ, on the 27th.

For the Educational Community, the program integrates the Ação de Capacitação – Criação and presentation of an artistic object, aimed at educators and teachers in the municipality of Palmela, with five sessions to take place from November 2nd to 12th. Between the 15th and 19th and 22nd and 26th, there are daily sessions of the show “Pé ante Pé”, aimed at pre-school and 1st cycle students. The Educational Community will also have access to online content (shows and classes).

With the general objectives of promoting dance, creating new audiences and contributing to the sharing of ideas, since 1997, Semana(s) da Dança offer a diversified program. This initiative is today a program integrated in the cultural panorama of the town and municipality of Palmela, but also in the cultural context of the country and in the panorama of dance in Portugal.


13 November | 3:00 pm
hours to dance
Dance workshops for all
Free entrance
Limited capacity – reservations required

20 November | 10:00 am
Dance and Creative Expression Workshop – Pé ante Pé
A moment shared behind the scenes of the show. Inhabit the space of “Pé ante Pé”, to create and play with ideas and emotions.
Recipients: 8-10 years
Ticket: €2
Limited capacity – reservations required

21 November | 16:00
foot for foot
by Dance Art
Pé ante Pé is an appeal to imagination, creativity and harmony between various “I’s”.
Recipients: children and families
Ticket: €4
limited capacity

27 November | 9:00 pm
Other Bridges
By the OPRÉ Gypsy Dance Company
Show of Romani Dances (Gypsy) from different parts of the world.
Free entry, upon ticket collection

Educational Community

November 2nd to 12th (5 sessions)
Training Action – Creation and presentation of an artistic object
Recipients: educators and teachers from the municipality of Palmela
free participation
Limited capacity – reservations required

November 15th to 19th | 10:30 and 14:30 | Cine-Teatro S. João, Palmela
23 to 26 November | 10:30 and 14:30 | Pinhal Novo Municipal Auditorium
foot for foot
by Dance Art
Recipients: preschool and 1st cycle
Free entrance
Limited capacity – reservations required

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