Serra do Açor – Photo Gallery
Along the streets of Piódão you will find several signs indicating the way to Foz D’Égua. Do not give in to the temptation to get the car: there are 4 km that are well done on foot and, believe me, are well worth the effort. Foz D’Égua looks like a fabricated scenario, a scene from the Senhor dos Anéis saga with stone houses carved in the green of the mountains, a bridge with arches and a natural swimming pool transformed into a river beach, accessed by shale steps. The time may no longer be for bathing, but after contemplating the landscape and marveling at it, there is no more to do but go back and go down the village. Stop at the Delicias do Piódão restaurant (96 355 7214) and finally throw yourself into an old-fashioned chanfana – not without first going through a few slices of tripe. Don’t you know what it is? It’s the pig’s stomach stuffed with rice and the animal’s meat: a surprise far more delicious than advertised.
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