
Sexta Maior, Piano recital by João Costa Ferreira

CCB . Friday . 10 November. 9 pm. black box


  • Vianna da Motta (1868-1948) Brilliant fantasy about the opera Il Guarany by Carlos Gomes, op. 34
  • Frédéric Chopin (1810-1849) Fantaisie-impromptu, op. 66
  • Vianna da Motta Praia das Conchas, Quadrilha de Contradanças, op. 22
  • Vianna da Motta The 20th of May, Quadrilha de Waltsas, op. 44
  • Frédéric Chopin Waltz op. 64 no. 2
  • Vianna da Motta Resignação, Melody for the left hand
  • Vianna da Motta Rondino, op. 52
  • António Fragoso (1897-1918) Nocturno in D flat Major
  • Joly Braga Santos (1924-1988) Variations
  • Vianna da Motta Variations on an original theme, op. 47

This recital is made up of costumes, dances, lyrical pieces and variations, centred on works by Vianna da Motta that reflect the tastes of Lisbon society at the end of the 19th century. Chopin’s influence is represented by the famous Fantaisie-Impromptu and Waltz op. 64 no. 2, while Fragoso’s Nocturno reflects the modernist trends of the time. The Variations by Joly Braga Santos are included in an ephemeral tribute on the anticipated occasion of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of his birth

We count on your collaboration in promoting this piano recital centred on works from Vianna da Motta’s youth, which highlights the romanticism present in musical taste in Lisbon society at the end of the 19th century. Attached is the room sheet with more information about the concert and about the pianist João Costa Ferreira, one of the world’s experts on Portuguese music José Vianna da Motta.

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