The short film “Nha Mila”, by director of Cape Verdean origin Denise Fernandes, will premiere this Friday, 07, at the Locarno Film Festival, in Switzerland.
According to information made available on the official page of the Centro Cultural de Cabo Verde in Lisbon, the film was shot in the Portela district of Lisbon, with a group of Cape Verdean women, one of them the actress Cleo Tavares, as the protagonist.
Produced by “O Som e Fúria” (Portugal) and “Ventura Film” (Switzerland) and with international promotion by the Short Film Agency, Nha Mila is inspired by the condensed hours of stopover in Lisbon en route to Cape Verde, during the which it is inevitable for many emigrants to look for an axis around which to recompose pieces of a very complex identity.
The film traces a path far from that center and takes an itinerary absent from Lisbon, which is usually represented in guides and brochures.
The International Film Festival of Locarno is one of the oldest film festivals that has been held annually in the city of Locarno since 1946.
It is known to be a prestigious platform for art films. The festival shows films in several competitive and non-competitive sections, including feature-length narratives and documentaries, shorts, and Retrospective programs.