Despite being a novelty for the public, Smoke Hills, began their journey in 2017 when Francisco Trindade, and Pedro Vieira, entered the Plastic Arts and Multimedia course at the Escola Superior de Educação in Viseu.
With the taste of music in common, they discovered that among the different genres that each appreciates, was rap. After the discovery of rap as a link between the two, they decided to create the duo with Francisco responsible for the technical part of the sound, such as mixing and mastering, and Pedro responsible for the lyrics and voice of the songs.
In the beginning, they made improvisations and ended up taking them and applying them to more consistent songs “especially because of the interesting cadences that appeared in the instruments we used” explained Pedro.
This evolution has made the process of musical creation spontaneous and fluid, which translates into a genre that the duo himself has difficulty in characterizing but considers to belong to experimental or anti-rap.
With a name originated through the expression “smoke kills”, one would expect melancholic instruments and lyrics on unusual themes that, mostly, relate experiences lived by musicians or friends and satires to everyday situations.