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Sodade, a tribute to Cesária Évora but also a night of joy and solidarity

Coliseu dos Recreios

Cesária Évora would turn 80 on the 27th of August and 10 years ago she left us a double commemoration, the Diva of the bare feet, who so enchanted the world with her music, received a deserved tribute at the Coliseu dos Recreios, organized by EGEAC.

The concert by itself would be excellent, as it brought together great names in Cape Verdean music, Teófilo Chantre, Nancy Vieira, Tito Paris, Lucibela and Elida Almeida, but also coming from Cuba to participate in this party, the singer, Emilio Moret, a show by free entry, through the donation of non-perishable food and hygiene products, in favour of the Audiovisual Union, just for that reason it should have been sold out.

Cesária Évora, born in Mindelo, August 27, 1941, died on December 17, 2011, was the singer with the greatest international recognition of Cape Verdean popular music. Despite being successful in several other musical genres, it was with the morna that she had the most success and recognition, which is why she was nicknamed the “queen of the morna“.

The band that accompanied her on so many stages, insisted on once again taking the stage and celebrating with the audience some of the songs that made her famous. Also present were Cesária Évora’s son and granddaughter, who at the end still enchanted her dancing with the artists on stage, in an unforgettable night.

[envira-gallery id=”117698″]

Concert Setlist
Flor Formosa – Totinho (instrumental)
Nova Sintra – Lucibela
Hoje E Natal – Lucibela
Sorte – Lucibela
Besame mucho – Lucibela e Emilio Moret
Lagrimas Negras – Emilio Moret
Linda Mimosa – Emilio Moret
Bia De Lulutcha – Elida Almeida
Cabo Verde Terra estimada – Elida Almeida
Dor De Amor – Elida Almeida
Angola – Elida Almeida
Boas Festas – Totinho (instrumental)
Fatalidade – Teofilo Chantre
Roma Criola – Teofilo Chantre
Voz De Amor – Teofilo Chantre
Rogamar – Teofilo Chantre
São Vicente de Longe – Nancy Vieira
Miss Perfumado – Nancy Vieira
Petit Pays – Nancy Vieira
Velocidade – Nancy Vieira
Mar Azul – Tito Paris
Cabo Verde Manda Mantenha – Tito Paris
Coragem Irmon – Tito Paris
Regresso – Tito Paris
Sodade – All
Carnaval de S.Vicente – All
Sangue de Berona – All

Emilio Moret
Teófilo Chantre
Nancy Vieira
Tito Paris
Elida Almeida

Julian Corrales – violin
André Ferreira – cello
Leonel Hernandez – viola
Nir Paris – drums
Kau Paris – percussion
cako – guitar
Alban Chapele – saxophone
Totinho – saxophone
Vincent Raimond – trumpet
José Paris – bass
Humberto Ramos – piano
José António – cavaquinho

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