
STAY HOTELS with a message of hope for the Portuguese people

Good Things Take Time – Stay Home” is the message from STAY HOTELS to all of us

STAY HOTELS, a 100% national hotel brand, spreads the feeling of hope and optimism in 11 billboards placed on the main road routes from north to south of the country.

Good Things Take Time – STAY HOME” was the message chosen for this purpose.

STAY HOTELS intends to confidence the Portuguese and encourage them, at this stage, to stay at home safely. In an informal and fun tone, the brand bets on a pun and transforms its name “STAY HOTELS” into “STAY HOME“.

A reference in city hotels, STAY HOTELS debuted in 2013 with the opening of its first unit in Torres Vedras.

Currently, it has nine hotels, located in Coimbra, Évora, Faro, Guimarães, Torres Vedras, Lisbon (two) and Porto (two). The opening of the tenth hotel, next to Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport, in Porto, is scheduled for the third quarter of 2020.

STAY HOTELS: “Good Things Take Time – STAY HOME”
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