
Study reveals that motorhome reservations increased 57% in summer

Caravanning: the surprise in tourism in times of pandemic

[dropcap]In[/dropcap] the face of an atypical summer, many Portuguese chose the motorhomes. According to data from Yescapa, a rental platform for motorhomes and campervans, there were about 3,000 confirmed reservations between May and August, an increase of 56.69% compared to the same period last year.

The profile of Portuguese adepts of motorhome passes, mostly, by users between 36 and 54 years old. Most chose to take a family vacation (63.88%), or by couples (20.44%) or a trip with friends (14.08%). Last-minute bookings are also maintained, confirmed with little time in advance of the trip.

The overwhelming majority (91.4%) of the Portuguese who chose the motorhome to travel chose destinations in Portugal. The most popular travel projects were Costa Vicentina and a trip along the Estrada Nacional 2. Yescapa is also present in several European countries, such as Germany, France or Italy, with Portugal being the second most visited destination by users of the platform.

These figures reinforce the tendency of the motorhome to grow in Portugal, after, in June, Yescapa already revealed an increase of 400% of visits on its website and an increase of 50% of confirmed reservations.

The motorhome was, effectively, a choice for many Portuguese this summer and we registered a high demand, exceeding even our expectations. We expected to reach 1 550 reservations during the summer, but we ended up exceeding 2 800”, says the Portuguese descendant Julie Da Vara, Chief Operating Officer of Yescapa globally. “We believe that campervans can be an excellent way to promote national tourism, being also a safe alternative to travel and to get to know Portugal better, as well as supporting the local economy“.

Yescapa reinforced the concerns related to the cleaning and disinfection of its vehicles and created a set of good practices to be followed by both owners and tenants. Recommendations include disinfection of vehicles before and after rental, disinfection of the various elements/equipment of the vehicle, use of gloves and masks at check-in/check-out, and safety distance for users during these moments.

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