
Espaço Talante opens its doors to Lisbon

Cultural center for Portuguese-speaking artists

The Espaço Talante – Cultural Center dedicated to Portuguese-speaking artists was inaugurated yesterday, at the LX Factory in Lisbon, with an exhibition dedicated to Ferreira Gullar.

The Espaço Talante space, lives within another cultural space the Ler Devagar bookstore, at the LX Factory, which alone deserves to be visited, a former offset printing company, it keeps the printers inside, now it no longer prints, but sells books, CD’s and vinyl records, increasingly in fashion, also has several spaces to sit, two cafes, and various works of art scattered throughout the space, and of course Espaço Talante.

Ler Devagar > LX Factory ©Luís M. Serrão – ineews < 2022.05.17

Espaço Talante, intends to open the doors of Lisbon to Portuguese-speaking artists, from various artistic areas, so that they can make their work known, Ciça Castello curator of Talante, intends that “In the morning, we thought of using for educational training, cycles conversations, reading books, which has more to do with the nature of this part of the day. In the afternoon, we want to let people know about the space and watch the exhibitions. Between 1pm and 6 pm, Talante will be open for people to see beautiful images, listen to good music, in short, be and feel the place. At the end of the day, especially on weekends, the idea is to open for monologues or plays by two people in an intimate format, as well as events that bring bohemia to the LX Factory. We will have fado nights, and poetry soirees. Always a space for the word in Portuguese”.

Talante -Ler Devagar > LX Factory ©Luís M. Serrão – ineews < 2022.05.17

The first exhibition is by Ferreira Gullar, a great Brazilian poet and artist who is presented for the first time in Portugal, Antonio Grassi, also a curator, says about GullarIn addition to his great history as a literary author, Ferreira Gullar had production as a visual artist that not always it’s known. And being in a place with a literary nature, like Ler Devagar, it makes a lot of sense to take the opportunity to show in Portugal, for the first time, the other side of a great artist”.

A space to follow, pay a visit and then you can still enjoy all the “life” that the LX Factory has to offer.


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