The Black Mamba with Áurea at Casino Lisboa
Casino Lisboa received, another concert inserted in the ‘Arena Live 2019 Concertos’ cycle, which runs until the end of the year, with free admission.
This cycle has taken to the Lisbon casino some of the most acclaimed names in national music today. The Black Mamba, the band led by Tatanka, invited Áurea to a show that pleased the very public there.
Songs like “Blood Diamond”, “Stronger”, “It Ain’t You”, “Save My Day” got the audience singing and dancing throughout the entire concert.
Áurea’s presence was also one of the main highlights of the night, joining the band for the songs “Believe”, “I Think I’m In Love” and “Wonder Why”.
Blood diamond
Money back
Rock me baby
It Ain’t You
I’ll meet you there
Yester lovers
Save my day
I think I’m in love
Sweet lies
Soul people
Under your skin
Wonder why
Slow it down
Still I am alive
With a diverse program, “Arena Live 2019 Concerts” offer different concepts and musical styles in the large Arena Lounge space, which offers multiple technical solutions for original live performances.
Arena Live 2019 Concert Cycle
– December 25th: Gospel Collective (Christmas Day)
– December 31st: Matias Damásio (New Year’s Eve)
Picture: Luis Mirra
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