Employers and employees say they are more productive, with more income, more quality of life, and more sustainability from home.
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he bosses and workers are in tune as to the effectiveness of telework, resulting from the recent experience of telework, imposed by the confinement of Covid-19, which reveals a consultation of FIXANDO with 1300 companies and workers registered on its platform during the month of April.
On the employers/employers’ side, 45% say that productivity and revenues increase, 31% disagree, while on the workers’ side, 55% feel more productive and generate more income from home.
On the other hand, of the employers surveyed, 75% argue that they should not return to “normal” work now, that is, that they should continue to telework.
In the long run, 65% of workers even prefer to stay at home, against 20% who prefer to go to their usual places of work. On the employers’ side, 59% believe in long-term teleworking as a solution, compared to 22% who do not view this possibility with good eyes.
The results of the consultation also state that, with teleworking and confinement, 43% of the Portuguese have acquired more sustainable habits, notably the reduction in the use of transport (48%), the reduction in consumption of processed goods (31%) and an increase in consumption of local goods (28%). 25% say they have reduced or even stopped consuming non-essential goods.
When asked about how they plan to deal with the lack of definition, 31% opts for social distance, 30% for the use of PPE, 30% also for the implementation of new hygiene measures, and 22% says that he will continue to telework. 27% of employers still do not know what they are going to do.
Regarding the economic impact of the confinement, 80% say that it will not be easy to recover the losses of the last two months, to alleviate the situation, give the following suggestions:
“We have to reinvent ourselves and for that we need more cooperation than competition. Having to know / feel that we are a community. Use computer and telecommunications tools for better quality of life.” – Accounting professional.
“Interest-free financial support, no lost funds, except for workers, but given directly to companies, without going through banks, with light bureaucracy measures” – professional in the Animal/Vet area.
“First of all, there is a real incentive for companies and professionals most affected by this situation so that their sustainability and purchasing power do not drastically decrease. Then we spend what is Portuguese and made by the Portuguese”- Renewable Energies professional.
“Helping companies to recover jobs, unfolding commitments to Social Security and Finance, initially sponsoring part of the wages because it is more viable than paying unemployment benefits.” – Remodeling professional.
“Support for independent workers and small businesses, avoid supporting the banking and financial system” – Design professional.