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A Jamie Cullum full of grit

Sagres Campo Pequeno

Brilliant is what can be said about the concert that Jamie Cullum gave this Thursday at Sagres Campo Pequeno, in Lisbon. About to turn 44, the singer celebrates 20 years of career.

Charismatic Cullum set Sagres Campo Pequeno on fire, and a more than amazed audience showed they knew the singer’s entire discography like no other. With the start of the concert leaning towards pop rock, Jamie knew well how to make the transition to his jazz and swing, and back to jazz rock.

Much loved by the public, who vibrated with his voice and mastery of the piano, Cullum was accompanied by two amazing voices and an absolutely fantastic band. The singer says he “always tries to do different things with the songs he plays, but some only fit on the keys of a piano“.

The English singer demonstrated how to draw emotions from the keys of a piano. The extraordinary recreation of “Please Don’t Stop the Music” and “What’s a Difference a Day Made“, Jamie Cullum plays with the piano, and with the sounds he can extract from it, it was magnificent.

Jamie Cullum > Sagres Campo Pequeno ©Luís M. Serrão – ineews > 2023.03.23

And it was total madness when Jamie Cullum leaps from the stage into the middle of the audience or when he climbs on top of the piano, encouraging the audience to sing and dance with him. In apotheosis, Jamie managed to bring the entire Campo Pequeno to its feet to the sound of “Sinnerman“.

Jamie Cullum, born in England, Essex, on August 20, 1979, singer, composer, and pianist is considered a musical genius in the area of contemporary jazz, recreating old jazz songs, as well as composing his own themes.

He counts in his discography the albums “Heard It All Before”, “Pointless Nostalgic”, “Twentysomething”, “Momentum” and “Interlude”.


Concert Lineup:

  • Taller
  • Get Your Way / Big Chief /The Man
  • These are the days
  • I get a kick
  • Shape of you
  • Twentysomething
  • What a difference
  • Mankind
  • Don’t give cap on me
  • When I Get Famous
  • Sinnerman
  • Usher
  • You and Me are gone
  • Mixtape

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